At this point, many TV shows have had the chance to entertain their viewers. Although several already ended, some still manage to maintain a high degree of relevance. One such show is undoubtedly the iconic Friends. Now, after over a decade since its conclusion in 2004, the cast still fondly remember their times filming the episodes and the times they would break out of character and laugh. In fact, over the years, the six main actors have willingly shared with fans what their favorite episodes are – perhaps you might like the same ones they do; keep on reading to find out!

Matthew Perry

Among the six main cast members, Matthew Perry’s Chandler Bing undoubtedly can take credit for making the best sarcastic remarks in the series. However, out of all the witty comebacks he made, there’s one Perry likes the most. In the episode, The One with Ross’ New Girlfriend, Chandler asks the others if they know a good tailor. Joey replies, saying he knows a good one, though he couldn’t remember how old he was when the tailor did his first suit. While he was trying to remember his age, Chandler finally stops him and says, in Chandler Bing fashion, “Okay, you have to stop the Q-tip when there’s resistance!” Besides being a funny line, it’s also quite the hygienic advice – do take note.

Courteney Cox

For Monica Geller, played by Courteney Cox, her favorite episode is The One With the Blackout. As the title suggests, the story of this episode was about the cast trying to make the most of their time while the electricity was out. However, the one part in particular that Cox liked was the introduction of the cat. It happens just as Ross was about to ask Rachel “a question.” However, before he could even ask it, a cat attacked him from behind. Since all this happened outside the apartment, only Rachel was there to help him out. As a result, while everyone else was inside singing The Carpenter’s Top of The World, chaos was ensuing just outside their window.

Lisa Kudrow

Even after its conclusion, Friends still manages to be relevant in pop culture. In fact, the show’s degree of popularity is so high, even people who haven’t watched a single episode can recognize it. Still, those who’ve seen the series can’t deny how entertaining it was, especially while it was on-air. For Lisa Kudrow, her favorite episode was season 8’s sixth episode. It was the first one they made after 9/11. For weeks after it aired, Kudrow would pass by several people, who would then stop to thank her and the cast for cheering them up. After all, in hard and trying times, a little pick-me-up can sometimes be enough to help us get back to our feet.

Matt LeBlanc

In almost every story, there’s always that one character that makes sarcastic remarks. For Friends, that’s where Matthew Perry’s Chandler comes along. However, they also often have a best friend who’s the opposite of them. Well, that’s where Matt LeBlanc’s Joey kicks in. Throughout the series, a lot of the best comedic moments often include Bing sharing a conversation or arguing with Joey. However, LeBlanc’s favorite episode is the show’s two-part finale, The Last One. It was quite a bittersweet experience for him and the rest of the cast. After all, it was their last time working on the show before venturing out to other investments – fortunately, they still keep in touch.

Jennifer Aniston

Back when the show was still on-air, Jennifer Aniston was the celebrity crush for many fans – although she arguably still is today. For her favorite episode, Aniston says she enjoys ones with flashbacks, like The One With the Prom Video. In an interview, the actress said she likes them because she enjoys seeing the characters in their younger years – like how Rachel was before any credit card points were spent on her nose job, and when Ross had an afro.

David Schwimmer

Upon writing the show’s characters, the film crew already had one actor in mind for Ross: David Schwimmer. Well, alongside the others, it’s safe to say the show’s producers knew who to place their investments on when it came to casting choices – Friends would probably be a whole new show if it had different leads. Out of all the episodes, Schwimmer’s favorite is The One With the Holiday Armadillo. In this one, Schwimmer’s Ross tells his son about the importance of celebrating Hanukkah. Since the actor is Jewish, the lines managed to hit home for him, too – he also hopes to show this episode to his daughter soon.

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